componetn property update
Things you have to know about Figma Component Property update
This year's Figma Config event revealed to us such a marvelous feature called Component Properties....
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Prime 4.0 quick start guide image
Prime 4.0 for Figma – Quick Start Guide
If you have always wanted to kick off your projects quickly, Prime is the tool...
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sample slot component near to the article title
Slot Components – How to create them in Figma
Creating a design in Figma is one thing. The second one is to make it...
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Typography for Design System
Building Design System: Part 4 Typography
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Have you ever thought that over 90% of UI Design is about Typography? There are...
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Design System - colors
Building Design System: Part 3 Colors
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Creating Your Design System from scratch is never done overnight. You already prepared for building...
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sketch or figma
Building Design System: Figma or Sketch?
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Creating a Design System on your own is a long process. That's why choosing the...
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Design Systems 1
Building Design System – Part 1: Before you start
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Creating a Design System is a necessary thing for all projects that want to be...
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Prime for Figma - Guide
Prime 3.0 for Figma – Quick Start Guide
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Prime for Figma is a real time-saver to your design work. To get most of...
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Prime Quick Start Guide
Prime 3.0 for Sketch – Quick Start Guide
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I have built Prime 3.0 from the ground to get most of the newest Sketch...
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Figma Interactive Components
Figma Interactive Components – Tutorial
Figma strategically introduces features that are extremely useful, amaze designers, and even boost their creativity....
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