
figma config
What’s New in Figma? Config 2021 Quick Recap
This year's online conference organized by Figma was full of exciting news. If you would like to know what is coming to your design...
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Figma plugins
7 Figma Plugins to Kick off your next project
Plugins are essential to modern design tools. I have mentioned many times that they have added extra power to Sketch. Now I would like...
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Prime Quick Start Guide
Prime 3.0 for Sketch – Quick Start Guide
I have built Prime 3.0 from the ground to get most of the newest Sketch features and give you more flexibility. While all essential...
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Sketch 71
Sketch 71 – Real-Time Collaboration!
It's been a long time... but finally, waiting is over. Real-Time Collaboration is now officially available for Sketch! How to use it? Where may...
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Figma Interactive Components
Figma Interactive Components – Tutorial
Figma strategically introduces features that are extremely useful, amaze designers, and even boost their creativity. They started with Variants. The feature helps to organize...
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pricing design
Pricing Your Design Work – Make it right!
Pricing is a challenging thing, especially for the designers who start their professional journey. However, pricing is essential not only for your work. It...
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Glass VIsual Hierarchy
Glassmorphism – Guide to Visual Hierarchy
Glass is more and more popular in digital Design. I already showed how to create attractive elements in Glassmorphic style. Now it is time...
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Motion Specs for UI animations
How to Make Great UI Animations Real – Motion Design Specs
You may know how to create excellent motion in After Effects, but your work has to be reflected in code. Here is a tool...
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glass card effect
How to Create Glassmorphic Card UI Design
Create modern-looking UI Elements with digital glass in 6 simple steps. There are some trends in design that cannot be ignored. While glass material is...
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design trends 2021
UI Design Trends for 2021 – Predictions
Nobody knows what the future will bring. However, let's try to figure out what design styles that already appeared may become a significant trend...
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