Efficient communication during preparing mockups & assets for developers is extremely important. That is why a good design handoff tool is essential.
I am proud to announce that I partnered with Zeplin to record four video tutorials that may help you optimize your handoff collaboration. Let’s discover all of the materials:
1. From Figma to Zeplin
Figma is a great tool for UI design. If you also prepare a design handoff there, you surely know that the tool has got several limitations. Let me show you some workarounds that work there and how to fix them using Zeplin.
2. Organizing Workspace
In Figma, developers may see all the mess you included inside the File. They also cannot easily filter and find mockups.
It is completely different in Zeplin. The tool provides multiple features that help you to organize workspace so it will be convenient to sort and filter the uploaded content.
3. Style Guides in Zeplin
Uploading Styles & Components from Figma to Zeplin is superfast. See how you may prepare the Style Guide structure even for advanced design systems. Even the most complex system may be easily used during handoff with Zeplin.
4. Zeplin Quick Start Guide for Developers
If your team starts the journey with Zeplin. You may show the video to your developers. I demonstrate how to use the best features of Zeplin to conveniently inspect and implement User Interface using mockups & style guides.
Summing up
These four videos let you work better with Zeplin. I hope you enjoyed them. Let me know if you would like to see more tutorials like this!
Thanks for reading & watching!
By the way…
If you start a new project or would like to organize your UI Library in Figma — do not waste your time creating everything from scratch. Feel free to use the Prime — Design System Kit. It helps you design UI with the best Figma techniques — Component Properties, Variants, Auto Layout and more.See Prime in action.
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You can also Create User Flows faster in Figma & Sketch — With SQUID you can create User Flows directly in your favorite design tool. You may style them to your project brand within a couple of clicks. Prepare all kind of diagrams in minutes. See how it works.