What’s New in Figma? Config 2021 Quick Recap

figma config

This year’s online conference organized by Figma was full of exciting news. If you would like to know what is coming to your design tool – grab the mug of your favorite coffee and read the recap in just 3 minutes!

Figma new Features

There is a lot of stuff that was announced during the Figma conference. Here is a quick summary:

There was also the announcement of the new big thing. Let’s see what it is!

The Big News – Figjam

Figjam is an entirely new product. Obviously, it is perfectly integrated with Figma, but when it goes out of Beta, it will be a separate paid solution.

What may you do with Figjam? Well, it is created to collaborate better in the era of remote work. It is something like an online whiteboard – the connection of Figma, Miro, Zoom & Freehand.

Figjam is created to organize Brainstorming, Design Thinking sessions and all kind of creative activity that allows you to express ideas together with your team & clients. With Figjam, you may also create all kinds of Diagrams. To help you get started, folks from Figma prepared series of Templates that allows you to see how you may organize your creative workshops. Cool!



Even if you are a solo freelancer, you may create mood boards & perform some research there to show the results to the client later.

What is more important, the new solution is connected with Figma. This means that your designs may be directly attached to the jams you created.

Figjam is currently in Beta, but it already sounds big!

Figma & Design Systems

There were a lot of talks about creating & maintaining Design Systems in Figma. I am going to use these valuable tips to include them in Prime Design Starter Kit for Figma (you may preorder the kit now!). Collaboration, connected with Figjam, brings a lot of new possibilities that designs may take to move their creations to the next level!

To conclude

I am amazed at how fast Figma is growing and enhancing the new features. They will surely help to design much faster. What do you think about Figma updates?


By the way…

If you start a new project or would like to organize your UI Library in Figma — do not waste your time creating everything from scratch. Feel free to use the Prime — Design System Kit. It helps you design UI with the best Figma techniques — Component Properties, Variants, Auto Layout and more.
See Prime in action.

To make it easier there is a gift 🎁 - Use UXMISFIT10 offer code to get 10% Off.

You can also Create User Flows faster in Figma & Sketch — With SQUID you can create User Flows directly in your favorite design tool. You may style them to your project brand within a couple of clicks. Prepare all kind of diagrams in minutes. See how it works.